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MiCLab Holiday Club feat Coventry Transport Museum Learning Team – Engineering For Change

Dedicated to our 11 – 16-year-olds, our MiCLab Holiday Clubs invite those who are curious about STEM.

Book Online | £16.98 Per Person*

For ages 11-16 | *Price includes booking fees, refreshments and admission to the museum.

Dedicated to our 11 – 16-year-olds, our MiCLab Holiday Club invites those who are curious about STEM subjects and are looking for a whole day-experience of getting hands-on with specially designed STEM activities.

With British Science Week just around the corner this MiCLab Holiday Club will explore this year’s theme of Change and Adapt through a variety of activities, including a tour of our collection, to encourage participants to collaborate and communicate change and adaptation around a self-chosen real-life problem (for example: transport, climate change, inclusivity). By considering content, participants develop critical thinking skills and become more confident with STEM subjects while spending time with likeminded people in a safe and comfortable space.

Participants bring their own lunches. However, snacks, water and squashes are provided throughout the day.